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Using Microsoft SDS with Fathom Reads


If your school district uses Microsoft SDS, you can easily integrate data with the Fathom Reads platform. After connecting your Microsoft and Fathom Reads accounts, you will be able to easily import information such as classes, students, and assignments.

Connecting Microsoft to Fathom Reads

Microsoft SDS and Fathom Reads can be connected and synced in order to transfer classes, students, and teachers. Complete the following steps to connect Microsoft to Fathom Reads:

1. Ensure that your classes and students are set up in your Microsoft SDS.

2. Navigate to the roster and integrations page and click the Microsoft button. Here you will need to enter the appropriate information into each field.


Insert the name of Tenant.

License Code:

This is the license code associated with your Fathom account.

Tenant Id:

Copy the Teanant Id from your Microsoft Teanant Dashboard

Microsoft school ids:

Copy the School Object Id from Microsoft SDS Dashboard

Nightly Sync:

This option enables a sync every night to pull over any changes from Microsoft SDS to Fathom Reads. If you only want to do a one time data transfer, uncheck nightly sync. Otherwise, you can leave this option checked.

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