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Using Canvas with Fathom Reads


If your school district uses Canvas, you can easily integrate Canvas with the Fathom Reads platform. After syncing your Canvas and Fathom Reads accounts, you will be able to easily import user information for teachers and students, as well as class rosters. It is important that you begin the integration process at least two weeks before teachers and students need access to Fathom Reads.

Setting Up Your Account With Canvas

1. On Canvas, go to Account -> Settings -> Approved Integrations.

Approved Integrations.

2. Click "+ new Access Token".

Approved Integrations.

3. In the purpose box, write "Fathom Rostering".

Approved Integrations.

4. Click "Generate Token"

Approved Integrations.

5. Copy the token and use it to fill up the configuration form.
OR you can email it to [email protected] along with school canvas URL to fill up the configuration form.

Canvas Account Setup for Teachers

1. Log into your Canvas account.

2. From Canvas Dashboard, select the course.

3. Click on Fathom Reads.

4. Arrive on Teacher Dashboard.

5. Your classes and students have been automatically added.

6. Click "Manage Students" to view your students. Click "Manage Classes" to view the classes in your account.

How Do Students Log In?

Students will log into Fathom Reads from their Canvas Dashboard

Sync Your Data

Steps to fill up the form:

Step 1:

After receiving Access Token, you need to enter the appropriate information into each field.


Copy the organization name from Fathom licence details. This is autofilled.

License Code:

This is the license code associated with your Fathom account. This is autofilled.

API/Client Key:

This is not required for roster data import. This is required for LTA application which is in development phase.

API/Client Secret:

This is not required for roster data import. This is required for LTA application which is in development phase.

School's Canvas URL:

This is the canvas URL of your school. Check the link for details

Access Token:

Generate from your school canvas interface. Click to see the process

Nightly Sync:

This option enables a sync every night to pull over any changes from Canvas to Fathom Reads. If you only want to do a one time data transfer, uncheck nightly sync.Otherwise, you can leave this option checked.

Step 2:

Save the form. After reviewing the configuration details, Fathom support team will give you the access to manual sync. Or you can ask support team to do the manual sync.

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